O Shot Specialist

New Haven Medical Services

Peter Kwofie, MD

Internal Medicine Physician located in Seneca, SC

Over time, aging, menopause, and childbirth can impact a woman’s sex life and cause urinary incontinence. At New Haven Medical Services in Seneca, South Carolina, Peter Kwofie, MD, provides the O-Shot™, a noninvasive vaginal rejuvenation procedure that improves a woman’s sexual response and reduces involuntary urination. To learn more about how the O-Shot can help you, call or click today.

O Shot Q & A

What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot is a procedure that uses the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in your blood to stimulate the growth of healthy vaginal tissue. PRP procedures involve taking a small sample of your blood, separating the PRP from the sample, and then injecting the PRP directly into a targeted area. PRP procedures promote healing, restoration, and improved blood flow.

After undergoing childbirth and/or the hormonal shifts of menopause, many women experience a decrease in sexual sensation and desire, as well as vaginal dryness. The symptoms often make intercourse painful. You may be a good candidate for the O-Shot if you’ve experienced a decrease in your sexual function.

The O-Shot is also an effective treatment for stress incontinence, which means you leak urine when you cough, laugh, lift heavy objects, and perform other activities that put pressure (stress) on your bladder.

The O-Shot can both make sex more pleasurable and stop urinary leakage.

What can I expect during an O-Shot procedure?

The O-Shot is a nonsurgical outpatient procedure, which is part of why it’s a refreshing alternative to older, more invasive forms of vaginal rejuvenation and reconstruction. After taking a sample of your blood and separating out the PRP, a member of the New Haven Medical Services team will apply a numbing cream to your vaginal area. This ensures that you will be comfortable when you receive the PRP injections, even though the procedure targets very sensitive tissue.

Using a tiny needle, the provider will inject you twice, once in your clitoris and once in your upper vaginal wall. The entire process is nearly painless and takes about 30 minutes, including drawing and processing your blood sample. In contrast to other vaginal rejuvenation procedures, you’ll be able to return to everyday activity, including sex, the very same day you receive your O-Shot.

When can I expect to see results from the O-Shot?

Many women report an immediate improvement in sexual sensation and reduction in urinary leakage, though it may take up to three months before the new tissue grows and you begin to experience the full benefits of the O-Shot.

The O-Shot restores and even improves upon your body’s natural function. When the O-Shot takes effect, you’ll likely find you no longer need to moderate how much liquid you drink to avoid urinary leakage, and you won’t require nearly as much preparation to have sex. The frustration, discomfort, and embarrassment resulting from sexual and urinary dysfunction will fade away.

To learn more about how the O-Shot can help you feel your best, call or click today.